Our Services

CCS Provides Residential Services in Three Methods
CCS is an active member of the community with homes located in many neighborhoods in Alberta. We offer a variety of choices for people living with developmental disabilities who may also have behavioral and mental health diagnosis.

Staff Model Homes
This is suitable for individuals that require supervision and a structured environment. In this model, clients are accommodated in the group home setting. Efforts are made to match individuals that will live well together. All our homes are supervised 24 hours per day by qualified support service professionals who are compassionate about clients’ welfare, safety, and security. The support service team promotes an inclusive community within the group and assists with goal setting, skill development, recreational and leisure activities, among others.

Supportive Roommate
This method provides a unique opportunity for clients to receive customised residential support services within a family setting that has a fit with the client’s unique needs and lifestyle. The supportive roommates are among our human capital asset approved to receiving trainings, orientations, and guidance within our policies framework. They focus on daily living skills and companionship in a safe, friendly, and inclusive environment our clients can call home.

Supported Independent Living
This is when our staff provides support to individuals who live independently in their own homes and community and receive support from staff to assist with appointments, budgeting, bill payment, shopping, and other activities of daily living. This helps the individual to increase autonomy in general home maintenance.
Respite Supports
We provide this service to allow the primary caregivers and families of the individual with disability to take a break from the routine of caregiving activities. These services are usually provided either in the home of the client or outside of the client’s home. During respite, Canadian Companion Services staff supports the client in the personal, and home management, including social interactions and personal wellness.

Community Access Supports
This is a service we provide to promote the Client’s inclusion in community activities and personal development through activities such as arts, education, recreation, involvement in community association programs, and participation in volunteering. Through this service, Canadian Companion Services develops social opportunities for Client’s experiences in the community based on their direction, and goals. These activities provide opportunities to connect the Client to people within their community.
Adult Relief Service
This is a temporary relief support in a group living setting. This service is offered on a planned or emergency basis for clients above 20 years. This service is available any day of the week and is particularly good for families or caregivers who are desiring a temporary break from the routine of caregiving daily activities. The service is also suited to provide clients with temporary accommodation pending a permanent living arrangement is put in place.

Employment Support
We offer Employment Support Services to help our clients secure and retain meaningful employment that fit their skillset and personal goals. This part of the Canadian Companion Service offering creates a platform for individuals with disabilities to positively contribute to society and are seen as and valued as such. Within this program, clients have the option to either gain employment or decide to volunteer their services. The ultimate objective of this program is to get participating clients to set personal goals, acquire new skills and foster positive relationships within the larger community.
Complex Service Needs
We provide highly specialized support to individuals with developmental, and behavioural disabilities with coinciding mental health disorders. We provide caring harm reduction models for those struggling with substance use or other high-risk lifestyle choices. Based on insight from the individual’s assessment, we increase staffing ratios to ensure safety while helping the individual achieve their goals. Our professionally trained staff and dedicated supervisory team are positioned and well prepared to pay attention to the individuals we support.

Request for an intake form
Once we receive and review the completed form, we will set up an intake meeting with the client’s current support network, including their guardians and family to discuss the goals of the individual, and the required support, including specific service solutions to achieve these goals.
- We complete risk assessments (If applicable).
- Review the individual’s rights in service and introduce them to relevant policies and procedures.
- Review and ensure signatures on the applicable consent forms.