Canadian Companion Services
Your Trusted Companion Navigating Life Together Your Journey, Our Commitment Together We Thrive Compassionate Connections Dedicated To Dignity |


As your trusted companion

Respite Supports

We provide this service to allow the primary caregivers and families of the individual with disability to take a break from the routine of care giving activities.

Residential Services

CCS is an active member of the community with homes located in many neighborhoods in Alberta. We offer a variety of choices for people living with developmental disabilities who may also have behavioral and mental health diagnosis.

Community Supports

This is a service we provide to promote Client’s inclusion in community activities and personal development through activities such as arts, education, recreation, involvement in community association programs, and participation in volunteering.

Living Support

The support service team promotes an inclusive community within the group and assist with goal setting, skill development, recreational and leisure activities, among others.

Supportive Roommate

The supportive roommates are among our human capital asset approved to receiving trainings, orientations, and guidance within our policies framework.

Adult Relief Services

This service is available any day of the week and is particularly good for families or caregivers desiring who are desiring a temporary break from the routine of care-giving daily activities.

About us

We build diverse, equitable and inclusive communities of staff, who are trained to become trusted companions to Canadians living with disabilities. We believe that our people are the greatest asset. Therefore, we will constantly invest to attract, retain, and develop the right human capital for exceptional service delivery to our clients and community.
Supported Independent Living​

Our Core values

Our core values define who we are, what we stand for and how we run the Canadian Companion Services as an organization. These values are summarized with ICEA acronym.

  • Inclusion

    We will promote community inclusion by encouraging social participation within the community and value everyone’s uniqueness and abilities.

  • Client-centric

    We will foster a culture that ensure individual client’s wellbeing is at the center of our service philosophy, operations, and ideas by focusing on creating a safe, and conducive environment to meet their requirements.

  • Empathy

    We will promote healthy relationships with our clients with the mindset of building capacity to understand clients’ experiences from within their individuals’ unique frame of reference for positive outcomes.

  • Accountability

    We will always provide a high-level standard of services to clients within the care community network. We will accept the responsibility for honest and ethical conduct towards our client’s, our people, and the wider community as the trusted companion.


What Our Clients Say About Us

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